Yoga Mats with Photos—Picture Perfect?
Oct 15, 2008
Soul Mats without Slip or Slide
Jul 16, 2008
Manduka’s New Low-Impact eKO Mat
Put a Korq In It
Jul 9, 2008
Can a $200 mat stick?
This yoga mat costs $200- how does cork hold up?
Top 4 Summer Gift Ideas
Jun 25, 2008
Yoga-friendly gifts like gear for kids, coconut fiber clothes, and yoga bags, that everyone will love.
Paperless Gift-Wrapping
with Japanese Furoshiki
Jun 18, 2008

Don’t these gifts look gorgeous? Not only will they impress your gift recipient, they also promote eco-friendliness. Each fabric piece is completely reusable- you could even use it to make napkins!
Stick It with Yoga Paws
Jun 11, 2008
Tired of lugging your yoga mat back and forth? Make your life a little easier with these sticky gloves and footies that make yoga on the road even easier.
Try the Nintendo Wii
Jun 4, 2008
The newest yoga gear—a video game? Our gear blogger reviews.
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