Baby Your Back: Upper Back Pain

By Nora Isaacs

Sometimes this can be a sharp pain between the shoulder blades; at other times it's just a chronic feeling of tightness. Poor posture, sitting at a computer, and lounging on a too-soft sofa contribute to these aches and pains, as does a condition known as kyphosis, characterized by a rounded upper back and shoulders. To treat this problem, Viniyoga teachers could adapt each of the postures below to suit individual needs. For example, someone with rounded shoulders would do Warrior but draw the shoulder blades down and then stretch the front of the body.

1. Thunderbolt

Stand on your knees with your arms overhead, palms facing each other. On the exhale slowly bend forward, bringing the buttocks to the heels and forehead to the floor.


Stretch the arms in front of you and reach the palms to the floor. On the inhale expand the chest, lifting up and coming back to the starting position. Repeat six times.


Sally Christenson
26 Mar 2008, 10:44
I have a fused spine c345 what poses would you recommend for me.

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