Green Eyeshadow?

By Dana Meltzer Zepeda

You do your part by recycling bottles, cans, and newspapers. You bought an earth-friendly yoga mat. But how about putting your money where you mouth is—with your lipstick, for starters.  

The average woman goes through four to nine pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. That’s about the size of a newborn baby! With ingredients like petrolatum (derived from petroleum) and lanolin (a product made from the oil glands of sheep), there’s no denying your face is making a statement that contradicts your earth-friendly, all-natural style.

Contrary to popular belief, cleaning up your beauty routine doesn’t require sacrificing your sense of style. New products are making it easy to be glam and green at the same time. “With 17 years of modeling experience, I’ve spent a lot of time surrounded by professional make-up artists,” says supermodel Josie Maran. “I knew when I created my line, I wanted to have the best of both worlds, a product that performs well but that is also as natural and as non-toxic as possible.”

Last October, the former Maybelline spokeswoman launched Josie Maran Cosmetics, a luxury line that contains no harsh chemicals or plastic packaging. “I knew that doing the right thing could be glamorous and beautiful,” she says. “It’s luxury with a conscience.”

Luckily, several other high-end cosmetic companies are also cleaning up their act. Cargo recently debuted PlantLove, a lipstick in a tube made entirely out of corn.  Stila introduced a refillable aluminum compact, and Sonya Dakar Skincare revamped five face wash products free from parabens (the group of preservatives that caused the breast-cancer scare in underarm deodorants).

 “Up until now, most natural skincare and cosmetics could only be found in health food stores,” says Maran. “I believe both industries figured these types of products only appealed to environmentalists and hippy-dippy types. Now, because the green movement is reaching so many people, there’s more of a demand for it.”

There’s also a high demand for eco-couture. Stylish boutiques across the country can barely keep the shelves stocked with Paige Premium Denim organic cotton jeans, Sworn Virgins bamboo dresses and Stella McCartney faux leather handbags.

Now who said it isn’t easy being green?


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