Harder-Core Yoga

By Nicole Kwan

Build strong abdominals with a series of simple moves

3. Chair
Chair combines very active squatting with really having to stay integrated through the belly and works all the major muscle groups from waistline to mid-thigh,” Levine says. Make sure to engage your abdominal wall (pull the belly button toward the spine) or else you’ll overwork your hip flexors.  From Mountain pose with your feet hip-width apart and hands by your side, standing tall, inhale and bring your arms up as your bend your knees deeply. Bring your sit bones back until your thighs are about parallel to the floor. Keep your upper body angled but upright by lifting the abdominal wall with a small tuck and lift of your tailbone. Doing this will alleviate some stress on the generally overworked hip flexors and promote length through the torso, both front and back. Lift and lengthen your arms, bringing your shoulder blades together to keep your chest and shoulders open. Hold for 5 breaths.