The Yoga Diet:
Foods That Burn Fat:
3 Perfect Meals

By Thérèse Baran


Quick Kitchari

Combining light foods like mung beans and basmati rice turn a hearty stew into a saatvic supper, meaning you’ll benefit from increased calmness and clarity of the mind, in addition to fewer digestive troubles at night. Coriander cools and pacifies all doshas and helps counteract the heating effects of pungent onion, while turmeric (bitter) and rice (sweet) are considered the best balancing tastes for cooling you off in hot weather. Pitta and Vata types can add vegetable bouillon to the water for more flavor.

3    Tbsp olive or sunflower oil (Kapha: Use sunflower oil.) (Vata: Can substitute sesame oil.)
2    cups sliced yellow onion
2    cups carrots, sliced
1    cup mung beans (soaked at least 1 hour, in 3 cups of water), available in health food stores (Pitta: Can add vegetable bouillon to the water for more flavor.) (Vata: Can add vegetable bouillon to the water for more flavor.)
1    cup basmati rice (Pitta: Use white basmati rice.)
3/4     tsp turmeric (Vata: Reduce turmeric to ½ tsp.)
1    tsp cumin
¾    tsp coriander
1    tsp salt
1    tsp freshly ground black pepper (Pitta: Reduce black pepper to ¾ tsp.)
2    cups asparagus, cut into 1" pieces
1    can (15.5 oz) chickpeas, rinsed and drained (Vata: Omit chickpeas.)

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Makes 4 servings

1. Heat oil over medium high heat in large stockpot. Add onions and sauté about 10 minutes, or until golden. Add carrots and sauté 10 minutes to soften. Add 4 cups water, cover, and bring to a boil.

2. Add beans and rice and reduce heat to medium-low. Stir in turmeric, cumin, coriander, salt, and pepper. Simmer 30-40 minutes, stirring often. Add chopped asparagus and chickpeas 10 minutes before finished cooking. Add more water, if necessary, to prevent rice from sticking.