What to Expect in Yoga Class

By Kate Hanley


You may think your teacher calls out moves randomly or just to torture you (Split pose, anyone?). But there’s actually a method to her madness. “Good instructors carefully follow a sequence so the body is prepared for each subsequent pose and injuries are avoided,” says Cyndi Lee, founder of OM Yoga Center in New York City. Here she walks you through a typical class.

Whether it’s a breathing exercise, meditation, or sitting quietly, a few serene moments help your mind segue from crappy Monday to yoga mode. This is also an opportunity to set an intention—a personal goal or hope such as becoming more patient or leaving stress at work—to meditate on during class.

The equivalent of a quick run down the bunny slope before you attempt the headwall. Poses like Cat Cow release neck and shoulder tension, loosen your spine, and sync your breath to your movements. They also stimulate blood flow to your core, which brings more nutrients to your abdominal organs and spine and gets your body temperature rising.

Sun Salutations
This fluid series of 12 or so postures is a mini practice in itself—it takes your spine through a full range of motion, from a Standing Forward Bend to the back-bending Upward Dog. You’ll get a full-body workout, boost your heart rate, and start sweating a little.

Standing poses
You’re warmed up like Mario Lopez during a salsa number. Poses such as Triangle and Warrior strengthen and lengthen your muscles as they teach alignment. Holding them also requires endurance and concentration, required in the more challenging balancing poses.


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