Core Power Hour Part 2 Video

Check out our Core Power Hour Week 2 slideshow for instruction and more tips.


Jane Harper
10 Jun 2008, 16:38
Hi Sadie, This is great! thank you for sharing - hope to see you on the mat soon. warmly, Jane

12 Jun 2008, 12:42
oh man you make it look so easy!!
how long would you say it takes for someone like me who has never done yoga make it that effortless?

i'm loving this power hour though... i can't wait for every week!

thank you so much

sadie Nardini
12 Jun 2008, 17:30
Hi ladies--Jane, I hope to see you soon too! many xoxos.


You were right when you said I made this "look" easy--'cause it's not! In yoga, we say "repetition is magic", because if you do the poses enough times, it starts to look more graceful and fluid.

It doesn't ever get easy, per se, but it does get easier. It totally depends on your body and the state of your strength & flexibility how long it will take you to attain a fluidity in the sequences.

But, see it as a journey, that each time you come to the mat there's going to be a whole new relationship building between you and yourself. See if as you work through the poses you can expand your inner fire, your life energy from the inside, and light up your poses with it.

Use each moment in yoga to ignite the fire within, and you will find that it instantly makes the poses seem lighter, more possible and purposeful.

Keep me posted with your progress, and try to do the Power Hour three times a week or more for the best results! ROCK IT!


16 Jun 2008, 14:54
Thank you, Sadie! This is great to have on the days that we don't have class. Love it!

Maribeth Snell
17 Jun 2008, 09:28
Thank you Sadie! I started this fine Alaskan morning with part 1 and 2 and have new offerings for my students tonight. I am quite possibly the ONLY Core Strength Vinyasa teacher in the state so this is invaluable to me. See you in person mid-June!

maribeth snell
17 Jun 2008, 09:30
oops, meant mid-July!

17 Jun 2008, 23:11
i have found that shakti kicks are so helpful for strengthening my core and arm strength for inversions. thanks for sharing!

18 Jun 2008, 10:10
Thanks so much Sadie for keep teaching us and being an inspiration.

I have question: When you are folding over from tadasana to utanasana, how much should we adjust the students not to stick their gluts back? I try to keep them with their hips on top of their anckels situating myself behind and holding their pelvic bone but sometimes I notice it is hard for them to ground on their feet even if they bend their knees. I tried by widening their feet distance that helps a little but not much? any tips?

Thanks sooooo much,


18 Jun 2008, 11:19
It's very generous of you to share your teachings with everybody on Earth!
I feel very lucky to have this resource. This is soooo useful! And of course I feel even luckier to be able to practice 'in person' with you!


10 Jul 2008, 15:58
Hey Sadie!i just want to say that you are amazing and that you are makeing us a great favor showing this videos..i also have a question for you:do we need to do this videos without breaks or can we stop between exercises?
thank you so much!xo

Sadie Nardini
11 Jul 2008, 19:29
MARISA: I am lucky I get to TEACH you in person, and I thank you for coming here to visit and comment. I want to offer, and it seems I get full abundance in return. Trusting that has been a great gift and I'm happy to give something back when you and all of you have given me so much. Spread the love!!! Sadie

DAIANA: You can absolutely rest in Child's Pose whenever you need a break. You can also do less of the Power Hour on days when you don't have time or you're really not energetic.

Stay tuned for some 15 minute sequences you can mix and match to shake up your yoga workouts in ways you need. Soon, soon!

All my love, right back atcha.

05 Aug 2008, 10:36
Is it possible to save the core videos in this site?


Sadie Nardini
06 Aug 2008, 19:20
HI Raj,

I'm not sure--but I'll ask for you!

More soon,

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