Twisting Chair


(Parivrtta Utkatasana)

Physical: Stretches the back, chest, and hips; strengthens the legs and core
Emotional: Grounding, strength, confidence
Rx for: Timidity

1. Begin in Mountain pose.
2. Bend both legs and squat down, touching both sets of fingertips to the floor.
3. Raise both arms and bring your palms together overhead; remain in semi-squat. (This is Chair pose.)
4. Bring your arms down and bring palms together in prayer at the center of your chest.
5. Twist your torso to the right and, swing your arms over to that side (hands still in prayer), placing your left elbow on the outside of your right knee.
6. Using your arms for leverage against your leg, turn your torso so your chest forms a 90-degree angle with the floor.
7. Turn your face and look up at the ceiling.
8. Hold for 3-5 breaths.
9. Unhook your elbows from your knee, turn your torso to face front and raise arms overhead with palms together, returning to chair pose.
10.  Straighten legs and bring palms to prayer position in center of chest.
11. Stand in Mountain.
12. Repeat, twisting to other side.

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