Twisted Root

Benefits: Strengthens the abdomen, hip flexors, and spine. Stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands, and intestines. Helps relieve stress. Improves digestion.

Physical: Releases tension from lower back and hips
Emotional: Relaxing
Rx For: Tight back

1. Lie on your back in traditional sit-up stance—with your hands clasped behind your head, feet on the floor, and knees bent.
2. Then cross your right knee over your left knee, and try to interlock your right ankle with your left ankle.
3. Next, inhale and curl your head and chest up. Exhale and curl your pelvis and thighs up, pulling your abs in toward your spine. Release and repeat three times.
4. Next, place your hands on your left thigh. Push against your thighs as your thighs push against your hands. Hold for a breath and release, and then repeat the whole sequence with your legs switched.


nina Pascolla
02 Apr 2008, 10:20
what is the sanskrit name of this pose?

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